Thursday, September 28, 2006

willie eyre rubber arms

willie eyre rubber arms
Originally uploaded by serpentflame156.
Had a blast at the Twins game last night, even though they lost. I posted a bunch of pictures that I took at the game on my flickr site (follow the links below the image). Shooting sports with my still camera isn't much different than the video camera. Our seats were on the 3rd base line and we had a great view of the game.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

mona lisa gets knocked up

Now, I'm as interested in art and hold a strong sense of art appreciation as the next person, but really, who gives a fuck whether or not Mona Lisa was pregnant? This article on MSNBC gives possible evidence to support this theory. But it begs the question, "Do we really need to know the back story on her?" I always thought it was her mystery that intregued us all so much. Now, if we're all so fired up to study the people behind the DiVinci canvas, let's decide once and for all if the depiction of the last supper is showing a very gay David or Mary Magdeline. That is much more interesting than whether or not Mona Lisa was knocked up.

services for chin loss

I have several items of I.D. such as my driver's license, gym card, Costco etc. I think that every time you lose a chin you should be allowed to get the pictures for these cards re-taken without cost. I'm actually embarrassed to take out some of those cards anymore!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Italian thief loses his cell phone at the crime scene...

In this story on Reuters, validation for the theory that criminals have no vital organs above the neck. Duh.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Dualing banjos

1 ounce of BEAVER is equal to 1 point on the Weight Watchers plan. Good to know if I'm ever hungry and lost in the Appalachians.